
Start Your Movement

Transform your political campaign from a message to a movement with Power Story.

Mobilize Your Supporters


Crowdsource stories from real people and build deep relationships with supporters.


Use Power Story to create video petitions that get your message across.


Track important data points including the location of your viewers and views per video so your campaign can work smarter, not harder.

Share Your Message with Authentic Narratives

Political campaigns are built by the people who stand behind them. Harness their voices to build unstoppable momentum and grow your movement.


Whether it’s a speech, protest, or event, capture it with a Power Story and spread your message wide.


Focus on the important issues with short, on-message clips from your closest allies and supporters.


One-time moments live on in the Power Story player and can be shared anywhere.


Use inspirational stories from real people to share your message, rather than impersonal press releases.

ACLU of Georgia: #ThisWomanVotes

Last November, more women voted than ever before. The ACLU of Georgia used Power Story to highlight and amplify the personal stories of women across the country, inspiring countless women to get out and vote.
Add your story here to inspire and empower others.

Deliver Your Message On Time & On Budget

Use Power Story to collect remote stories as an alternative or complement to high-production videos, saving you money and giving your campaign a more personal feel.


Embed your video on your website or share it to any platform so you can reach your supporters, no matter where they are.


Share more information about your cause and Power Story campaign within the viewing experience.


Leverage free video content from your most loyal customers, and shoot, edit, and share their stories in just a few clicks.

Power Story for Fundraising

Tell your story to raise funds for your organization


Fundraise Up Integration

Increase donations with Power Story’s AI-driven Fundraise Up integration.


In-Player Donations

Capture donations right from the Power Story player while your audience is engaged.


Share Additional Information

Add links and additional resources to your Power Story so your audience can learn more about your organization

Ready to Get Started? Let’s Talk!

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